Saturday, May 1, 2010

Following myself.

It is quite comical that Iam my follower. I do not really have anything worth saying, nor worth reading. I was thinking about my life today. I am a prisoner. A prisoner in this skin. This There is no need for guards, no security, malformed there is no eascape.

the only escape is death, an against that there are built in mechanisms. I read once that you can not kill yourself by holding your bread. I saw an interesting suicide today. I man tied himself with some garden hose to a riding mower and drove it into th pool.

AAnother good method is electrocution in th tube, but only if th circuit is not a ground circuit.

I weigh 120 lbs too much. It is mostly concentrated in my rotund stomach. But with this skin, I see little reason to do anything about it.

My skin was in an improved state fro most of 2008 and all of 2009. Butit has been slipping recently. The joints, too. So much that I was to the derm who administers this miracle joint/skin drug and he decided I needed to see a rheumatologist.

My cousin is a rheumatologist. I should call and go see him. Of course, ,there is the Doc/Insurance issue. Damn.

You know how something in your life keeps bringing you back to a point, aplace? I have such a poinit. Anhedonism.

Today I was told suicide was the easy way out. If that was true, I would have made that choice 1000 times over.